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Check in 07/02/2025 Check out 08/02/2025

Double Bedroom

Breakfast included

Our double room sleeps two adults on a 185 cm x 200 cm bed. All rooms have a TV with HDMI input, air conditioning, a...
—.– €
Capacity : x2
No availability

Triple room

Breakfast included

Our triple room sleeps two adults on a 185 cm x 200 cm bed and one adult on a 140 cm x 200 cm. The main room has a TV...
—.– €
Capacity : x3
No availability

Family suite with kitchen

Breakfast included

Our family suite consist of two rooms, an anteroom, and a kitchen. Each rooms sleeps two adults on a 185 cm x 200 cm...
216 €
Price / 1 night
Capacity : x4

Min. 3 people